Panoramix X-Rays

Southern California Family Dentistry

Southern California Family Dentistry - Whittier, Lake Forest, San Clemente - Dental Panoramic Xray

Panoramic X-rays, also known as Panorex® or orthopantomograms, offer a comprehensive view of the entire mouth, encompassing teeth, bones, and soft tissues in a single image. They are instrumental in uncovering wisdom teeth, detecting early signs of cavities, and identifying fractures and bone loss. These X-rays capture details and features that the human eye cannot discern. Moreover, panoramic X-rays aim to provide a clear view of the sinus and nasal areas, as well as the mandibular nerve. They are not part of routine dental imaging but are employed for specific issues that might not be captured by bitewing X-rays. Panoramic X-rays become a preferred choice in cases where a patient experiences severe pain or when sinus problems lead to dental complications.

Panoramic X-rays are used to evaluate or expose:

  • Strategize treatment for implants, braces and dentures.
  • Patients with a tremendous gag reflex.
  • Reveal fractures in the jawbone.
  • Gum disease and cavities.
  • The development of TMJ.
  • Cysts and irregularities.
  • Wisdom teeth.
  • Impacted teeth.
How does the procedure work?

The panoramic X-ray offers a two-dimensional view of both the upper and lower jaws. This examination involves the X-ray tube rotating in a semicircle around the patient's head, starting from one side of the jaw and concluding at the opposite side. A panoramic X-ray machine emits a beam through the patient onto film or a sensor, which rotates opposite the X-ray tube. To capture intricate details, the X-ray images are enlarged by 30%.

Please ask your dentist if you have questions or concerns about panoramic X-rays. 

Experienced and Highly-Trained


Southern California Family Dentistry - Hossein Jahangiri DDS - Dentist - Whittier, Lake Forest, San Clemente


General, Implant & Cosmetic Dentist, Clinical Director, SCFD & Portside Dentistry


General, Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist

Southern California Family Dentistry - Zahra Hanieh DDS - Dentist - Whittier, San Clemente


General, Implant and Restorative Dentist


With Locations in Whittier, Lake Forest and San Clemente