What is a Periodontist?

Southern California Family Dentistry

Southern California Family Dentistry - Toothache

Periodontists are dental professionals specialized in dental implants and the treatment of gum disease. Their expertise includes performing scaling and root planing to address deep gum pockets. They often prescribe antifungal medication and antibiotics to combat infection and halt the progression of the disease. Beyond dental school, periodontists undergo an additional three years of specialized training. This training equips them with advanced methods crucial for treating periodontal disease and performing dental implant procedures.

In cases of tooth loss, periodontists specialize in grafting tissues into deep pockets, stimulating natural tissue regeneration. They also offer dental implant placement as an alternative to tissue regeneration. Additionally, periodontists can address gum recession caused by gingivitis, re-contouring the gums to create a smoother and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Periodontal disease often progresses painlessly in its initial stages, leading it to frequently go unnoticed. Shockingly, four out of five individuals may have periodontal disease without realizing it. This disease stands as the primary cause of tooth loss. Research indicates a potential connection between periodontal disease and various other conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, bacterial pneumonia, and an increased risk of developing these ailments.

Signs and symptoms of periodontal disease:

  • Tenderness or Discomfort: Inflammation of gums and teeth due to bacteria, plaque, and calculus.
  • Receding Gums: Loss of gum tissue around a tooth.
  • Persistent Bad Breath: Often caused by oral bacteria.
  • Bleeding Gums: Even vigorous brushing or flossing should not cause gum bleeding.
  • Loose Teeth: Resulting from bone loss or weakened periodontal fibers supporting the tooth.
  • Increased Spacing Between Teeth: A consequence of bone loss.
  • Presence of Pus Around Gums or Teeth: A potential indicator of infection.
  • Red and Swollen Gums: Healthy gums should not appear red or swollen.
  • What is Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Also known as periodontitis and gum disease, periodontal disease is an inflammatory ailment that attacks the gum and bone around the teeth.  Plaque is a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria multiply and if gone unattended, transforms into calculus (tartar).

Experienced and Highly-Trained


Southern California Family Dentistry - Hossein Jahangiri DDS - Dentist - Whittier, Lake Forest, San Clemente


General, Implant & Cosmetic Dentist, Clinical Director, SCFD & Portside Dentistry


General, Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist

Southern California Family Dentistry - Zahra Hanieh DDS - Dentist - Whittier, San Clemente


General, Implant and Restorative Dentist


With Locations in Whittier, Lake Forest and San Clemente