Wisdom Teeth Removal

Third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, usually appear during the ages of 17 to 25. Many adults have four wisdom teeth, often needing extraction because they become impacted.

Interesting Facts

  • The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that about 85% of wisdom teeth ultimately need to be removed.
  • Roughly 35% of individuals are born without the presence of wisdom teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth derive their name from their emergence during the "age of wisdom," typically occurring between 17 to 25 years old.

Types of Impaction:

Soft Tissue Impaction:This situation arises when the crown of the tooth breaks through the bone, causing the gum to cover a portion or the entire tooth. This condition can result in challenges with cleaning, potential infections, and discomfort or pain.

Southern California Family Dentistry - Whittier, Lake Forest, San Clemente - Dental Exam

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth, scientifically termed third molars, commonly emerge during the period of 17 to 25 years old. Most adults possess four of these teeth, frequently experiencing impaction that necessitates their extraction.

Wisdom Teeth Facts

  • Research conducted by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons indicates that approximately 85% of wisdom teeth will ultimately require extraction.
  • Roughly 35% of individuals in the human population are naturally born without wisdom teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth earn their name because they typically emerge during the "age of wisdom," occurring between 17 and 25 years old.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Soft Tissue Impaction:Soft tissue impaction happens when the crown of the tooth penetrates the bone, causing the gum to cover part or all of the tooth's crown in an improper position. This impaction complicates maintaining cleanliness in the area, trapping food beneath the gum and resulting in potential infection and tooth decay. Pain and swelling are frequently experienced with soft tissue impaction.

Partial Bony Impaction:This scenario arises when the tooth partially emerges, leaving a section of the crown submerged below the gum and surrounding jawbone. Comparable to soft tissue impaction, this condition can potentially lead to infection and tooth decay.

Complete Bony Impaction:This situation arises when the tooth is entirely encased within the jawbone. Complete bony impaction necessitates more intricate removal procedures due to the tooth's complete enclosure.

Why dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth

  • Impacted wisdom teeth have the potential to harm neighboring teeth, resulting in tooth decay, gum disease, and bone loss.
  • In rare instances, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to the development of cysts and tumors in nearby regions.
  • Trapped bacteria and food beneath the gum tissue can lead to infections.
  • Certain dentists theorize that the misalignment of teeth may occur due to the crowding or twisting resulting from impacted wisdom teeth.


With Locations in Whittier, Lake Forest and San Clemente