Oral Hygiene and Preventive Care

Southern California Family Dentistry - Whittier, Lake Forest, San Clemente - Oral Exam

A preventive program involves a joint commitment between the patient, dentist, and dental team to safeguard natural teeth and supporting structures by thwarting the initiation, progression, and recurrence of dental issues. Effective prevention of dental ailments commences at home through proper oral hygiene and a balanced diet. This endeavor persists within the dental office, where your dentist and dental hygienist work to advocate, restore, and sustain your oral well-being.

Integral aspects of prevention encompass regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and x-rays. Treatments like sealants and fluoride application also serve as excellent preventive measures in safeguarding teeth. Prevention plays a pivotal role in averting severe and costly dental complications while being the cornerstone for a healthy, confident, and beautiful smile.

Services for Dental Cleaning and Prevention

Sedation Dentistry

For Patients Requiring Additional Support with Anxiety.


The protection of pits, fissures in molars, premolars, and deep grooves is essential.

Home Care

We're committed to ensuring our patients achieve a healthy, enduring smile.

Fluoride Treatment

An organic mineral renowned for its ability to prevent tooth decay.

Dental X-Rays

Aids in the early detection and treatment of dental issues.

Digital X-Rays

State-of-the-art technology employed for capturing dental X-rays today.

Panoramic X-Rays

Produces a comprehensive image of the entire mouth, encompassing teeth, bones, and soft tissues in a single capture.

Oral Hygiene Aids

Aids in upholding outstanding oral hygiene and identifying potential issues through diagnosis.

Oral Cancer Exam

An oral cancer assessment involves a painless procedure.

How to Properly Brush & Floss

Consistent flossing and brushing form the foundation of maintaining oral hygiene.

New Patients Welcome!

Multiple Locations: Whittier, Lake Forest, and San Clemente